Sofia #73 - Editorial by Dinah Livingstone

The theme of SoF’s Annual Conference this year was ‘Beyond Good and Evil: The Challenge of Reconciliation’.

At the Conference AGM the motion to change the magazine’s name to sofia was defeated, but only just. It was a close thing. As there was not enough time for discussion, I’ll propose the name sofia again next year; everyone I show the magazine to says it makes more sense. Meanwhile, sof or sofia, I love the magazine, which has no lack of talent to draw on. As Blake said, ‘energy is eternal delight’ and I’ll continue to put my energy into making it as good as I can. At the Conference I met interesting, kind and sensible people and some possible new writers. And readers, please continue to send in ideas for articles and reviews, as well as letters.

At the Conference. I enjoyed listening to the three highly individual talks from our distinguished speakers, Mary Midgley, Richard Holloway and Don Cupitt. I am still thinking about what they said. Like Don, one of my favourite poets is the early Wordsworth and, to quote from his Tintern Abbey, I know I was not the only one to come away from the talks ‘with pleasing thoughts/ that in this moment there is life and food/ for future years.’

All three talks are printed in this packed Conference issue of the magazine (apologies to all three speakers that their talks had to be abridged), as well as items from Richard Holloway’s Liturgy and Rob Wheeler’s Closing Session, so that’s enough of an editorial and over to them.